1-on-1 Coaching

Pick your pillar.

Pick your pace.

What’s included

1:1 Coaching Calls

1-on-1 coaching sessions held on zoom with follow ups and recordings. These sessions are designed to guide you through the process, understand it yourself, and answer your questions along the way.

Personalized Framework

The pillar you choose is a framework that is personalized uniquely to you. This gives a clear result and a clear path connected to your chosen focus on becoming the best and truest YOU.

Personal Messaging

Receiving support is an important piece to actualizing your desired transformation. We will stay connected via voice messaging for real-time support between calls.

Pick Your Focus

#1: Discover Your Values

Unlock the guiding compass to knowing your triggers your personal fulfillment. You will gain clarity on who you are, what you stand for, and what you need to feel fulfillment by discovering your guiding values.

Here I'll show you how values and beliefs influence behaviours, choices, and results.

(This is the foundation of it ALL)

#2: Create Your Value-Based-Vision

Use your values to create ultimate clarity on what you want for your life.

We will dig into what has held you back in the past and flip it around so you are now using it to your advantage. You will become empowered that what happens in the future is in your control.

(Prerequisite: Discover Your Values)

#3: Level Up Your Viewpoint

Take back control by ditching, fear of failure, sabotaging behaviour and stepping into your higher self.

We will dig into what has held you back in the past and flip it around so you are now using it to your advantage. You will become empowered that what happens in the future is in your control.

(Prerequisite: Discover Your Values)

#4: Make It Happen

Personalized Daily Decision Strategy based on your unique challenges, values & vision.

We will do an alignment assessment for clarity on where you may or may not be living into your values. This gives you clarity on where to focus to experience the most transformation within yourself and in your life. Then we tap into the power of daily decisions to start creating momentum on a specific focus of your choice.

(Prerequisite: Discover Your Values)

Pillar #5: Body Wisdom

Release the forceful way you have been trying to get your body to look, think, and feel, by tapping into your unique Body Wisdom.

You will trade in the “shoulds” that have been giving you nothing but guilt in exchange for for an easy, effective, sustainable lifestyle to loving the body you are in and an energized you.

(Prerequisite: Discover Your Values)

Pillar #6: Less Stress, More Energy

Free up your time and energy to focus on making your goals your reality.

Release stress and free yourself from energy leaks that are robbing you from living this life present and connected. Start identifying and using your natural energy patterns to tap into your pique performance potential to beat distraction, procrastination and perfectionism.

(Prerequisite: Discover Your Values)

Pick Your Pace of Expansion

Explore the community & coaching programs 

1:1 Coaching
3 or 6 Month Packages

Level up in specific areas of your choice, includes:

  • Clear and personalized plan for your success

  • 2 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions per month

  • Call recordings, summaries & clear action steps

  • Personal messaging between calls

Free Yourself Formula
3 Month Packages

Ultimate all encompassing holistic approach, includes:

  • Personalized 1:1 coaching sessions

  • Call recordings, summaries & clear action steps

  • Personal messaging between calls

  • Audio lessons for each pillar to accelerate expansion

Values Vault
Free Private Podcast

Join women just like you for candid conversations, insightful stories, and a dose of humour as we navigate the journey to our true selves together through the lens of values and energy.


Values Discovery Experience


The Community